Alexander (Alex) T. Polgar
By training, inclination, and experience Alex is a professional social worker with a doctorate. He also is a trained empiricist socialized to quench his persistent curiosity by the application of sound research methods. In a forty-six-year span Alex has combined several parallel career paths each in the pursuit of improving the individual and collective human condition. He believes that we are all human “becomings” prevented from realizing our full potential by obstacles of our collective inadvertent creation. From his perspective our wondrous technological achievements are mere hints of our greater unrealized potential to live in cooperative and facilitative harmony with each other and with our environment. While the goal of actualizing the human potential is formidable Alex believes it not to be impossible and a pursuit which is worthy of lifelong commitment.
In his career of curious inquiry into the human condition, Alex has worked in many different clinical settings. He has provided direct mental health services as well as designed, implemented and evaluated a myriad of programs. Alex has been a lifelong advocate of empirical practice including the use of standardized methods for conducting assessments.
As a management consultant in the private and public sectors, Alex always has focused on optimizing individual and organizational wellness. For example, he was among the first to act on the scientifically validated importance of emotional intelligence of individuals as well as the organizations in which they work.
After more than forty-six years of varied accumulative learning experiences Alex has been spending more time writing and teaching with the goal of impacting, in a meaningful way, the greatest number of people. Even more importantly, through these efforts his goal is to recruit an ever-increasing number of allies in the quest to actualize our potential to become truly human.

From the launch of Sandriam Publications Inc., almost a quarter century ago, the team at Workhorse Design Studio has been an invaluable resource to our team. Phil Austin, but aided and abetted by his most capable colleague David Carniello, has created every image for our publications and power point seminar presentations. Check them out, they are marvelously creative, intuitive and know how to work with clients, even difficult ones like myself.