Seminars Webinars & Workshops

Dr. Polgar is available to deliver macro level presentations, seminars or workshops. Entirely determined by a clients need he can be a keynote speaker, a half day seminar provider or lead a full day workshop.
His focus and expertise acquired through five decades of varied experiences is on explaining the root causes of symptoms such as addiction, mental disorders, criminality, violence, oppression, racism and other social problems.
By empowering people with a conceptual model Dr. Polgar’s premise is that the relevance of remedial interventions can be exponentially increased as well as the outcomes they produce. His singular goal, however, is to mobilize every participant’s desire to engage in meaningful actions. Specifically, his goal is to motivate participants to start the process by which the dysfunctionality they are dealing with can eventually be prevented from occurring in the first place.
This level of conceptual engagement can be a benefit to:
- Policy authors and funders of programs
- Managers and supervisors of professional staff
- Front line service providers
- Elected officials at all three levels of government
The settings that will benefit from the macro conceptual framework include:
- Educational settings, primary & secondary
- Social service agencies
- Therapeutic residential communities
- Substance abuse treatment centers
- Half way houses for offenders
- Youth group homes
- Children’s Aid/Child and Family Services foster parent groups